5 Apr 2023

Choosing Your Dream IN Nursing Specialty: (part 1)

(part 1)

You might be asking yourself: What type of nurse should I be?
Choosing Your Dream IN Nursing Specialty: Which Healthcare Profession Is Right for You?  (part 1)

For some aspiring nurses, this question is easily answered. From the moment they’ve expressed interest in nursing, they’ve known that they want to work in a certain type of facility or with specific kinds of patients. Others only feel called to the general concept of nursing. As the profession advances, however, nurses at all levels require more specialized skills and knowledge. As such, specialty selection may eventually be required, particularly for those who hope to move up the career ladder. You feel called to the nursing profession—and you’re excited to embark on a career path that grants you personal satisfaction and the opportunity to help those in need.
The good news? While the sheer variety of n jobs are available can make choosing one feel a bit overwhelming, it also means that there truly is something for everyone.
Do you love working with seniors? You could be a great fit for geriatrics or gerontology. Would you like to honor a loved one who passed away due to cancer? Oncology nurses are in high demand. If you’re passionate about disease prevention, epidemiology may be your preferred niche. Options abound—but it’s up to you to determine which specialty works best based on your personal strengths and passions.

Types of Nursing Specialties

  • Age of the population served (as in pediatric, neonatal, or geriatric care)
  • Patient gender (gynecology)
  • Specific health issues that patients face (oncology or cardiac nursing)
  • Equipment used to treat patients (nurse anesthetists)
  • Philosophy underscoring approach (holistic nursing)
  • Whether you work directly with patients or in an administrative capacity
  • Whether the role involves in-depth research or nursing education


Anonymous said...

Hi very nice 🙂

Anonymous said...

Very nice 👍