1 Apr 2023

Interesting Nursing Research Topics To Choose ( part 1)

     Interesting Nursing Research      Topics To Choose
Nursing research develops knowledge about health and the promotion of health over the full lifespan, care of persons with health problems and disabilities, and nursing actions to enhance the ability of individuals to respond effectively to actual or potential health problems.

Before you finish your degree in nursing, you have to write a nursing research paper to show your expertise in a specific area of nursing. Nursing can be a broad field and require extra time to find an interesting research topic to choose. It's helpful to brainstorm what topic is the best choice for you. In this article, we will discuss, what a nursing research paper is, what to consider when choosing a nursing research topic and provide a list of potential research topics for a range of specializations.

How to choose a nursing research topic

Since your research paper is so important, be mindful about the topic you choose. Try to choose one that is:

  • Interesting

  • Relevant
  • Explorative

  • Specific

  • Original

  • Meaningful

Nursing research topics

Here is a list of potential nursing topics by subject:

Childhood nursing

If you're interested in specializing in pediatric nursing, you may focus your research on a topic within childhood nursing. Here are some examples of research topics:

  • Antibiotics impact on childhood immunities

  • Effects of childhood exposure to environmental pollutants

  • Effects of second-hand smoke inhalation in early life

  • Ethics of pediatric care

  • Genetic factors of diabetes in children

  • Has neonatal care improved in the last 50 years?

  • How has childhood cancer treatment developed?

  • How has neonatal care changed in the last 50 years?

  • How health in children can affect their health later in life

  • How successful are malnutrition treatments in children?

  • How to address psychological issues in children with physical illnesses

  • How to diagnose and manage respiratory illnesses in children

  • How to improve child care at inpatient facilities

  • How to mitigate infant injury during delivery

  • How to prevent malnutrition in children

  • Prenatal effects of exposure to environmental pollutants

  • Presentation and treatment of ADHD

  • Prevention strategies of childhood obesity

  • Resistance to antibiotics in children

  • Stem cell solutions for pediatric diseases

  • Major causes of child mortality

  • Causes of childhood obesity

Adult nursing

Adult nursing is the care of people 18 and older. If you are interested in pursuing nursing in this field, you may research a topic similar to the following:

  • Analysis of dental and oral health in a region

  • Analyzing the balance of health care and cost

  • Analyzing the benefits of collaborative nursing

  • Analyzing the causes of depression

  • Analyzing the difference between treatment for cardiovascular issues between the sexes

  • Analyzing the difference in diets

  • Analyzing the history of nursing and their role in health care

  • Comparing culture's effect on nursing in different countries

  • Effective strategies to maintain emotional health for nurses

  • Ethics of data collection in adult health care

  • Evolution of nursing in a specific time period

  • History of treatment for eating disorders and current treatment analysis

  • Nonchemical treatments for bipolar disorders

  • Strategies to reduce the contraction and spread of infectious diseases by nurses

  • The ethics of euthanasia

  • Treatment for acute coronary syndrome

  • Treatment history for anxiety disorders

  • Treatment history for migraines with examples and analysis

  • Treatment of restless leg syndrome

  • Triggers for chronic anxiety disorders

Midwifery nursing

A midwife is a nurse who has also completed midwifery training to care for women during and after their pregnancy. You may research a topic focused on midwifery if you are interested in pursuing this type of nursing. Here are some examples of topics in this field:

  • Analysis of caseload and quality of care for under-reprensented groups

  • Analysis of childbirth experiences of women with autism

  • Analysis of common feeding problems for newborns and infants

  • Analysis of mother-child bonding during postnatal care

  • Analysis of postpartum depression treatments

  • Analysis of risks for advanced maternal age

  • Analysis of shifts in midwifery practice

  • Analysis of spirituality in midwifery

  • Analysis of teamwork in midwifery

  • Analyzing effects of telephone-provided care during postnatal treatment

  • Case studies of positive birth experiences

  • Case studies of positive postnatal experiences

  • History of midwifery in minority communities

  • Managing parental experience with challenging births

  • Midwifery practices in rural areas

  • Nonchemical pain management in labor

  • Nonchemical treatment of mental disorders during post-natal care

  • Nonchemical treatment of mental disorders during pregnancy

  • Role of midwifery in emergency care

  • Skincare and hygiene for newborns

  • Treatment of disabilities during postnatal care

  • Treatment of disabilities during pregnancy

  • Treatments of pregnancy-induced hypertension

  • Ways to engage fathers in pre- and postnatal care

Women's health

A women's health nurse cares for women throughout their lifespan. If you are interested in providing health care to women, you may be interested in one of the following topics:

  • Analysis of emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

  • Analysis of preventive measures for sexually transmitted infections

  • Analysis of sleep disorders in women

  • Analysis of treatment for menopause

  • Analysis of women's health care for immigrants

  • Cultural differences in women's health

  • Diagnosis procedure for breast cancer

  • Disorders in female sexual health

  • Effectiveness of breast cancer screening measures

  • Environmental factors that lead to high infertility rates

  • Ethical treatment of infertility

  • Ethics in women's health

  • Factors that increase conception in women

  • The gap between female and male health care professionals

  • Treatments for acne in women


Anonymous said...

Very good 😊

Anonymous said...

Super 👍🌹

Anonymous said...

Very nice 👍🌹